What is Generation?
The generation stack is based on fuel type generated over the last 24 hours. By displaying the country's generation in this way it is easy to see how much of each generation type is contributing to satisfy the total demand.
MW values are derived from the Transpower SCADA system and represent a single snapshot of the demand for the indicated 30min period.
Note: The timestamp shown indicates the end of the trading period that this data relates to.

What is Regional Price?
The Regional Price is a load weighted average for the previous half hour and indicates how prices differ across New Zealand, depending on market conditions.
Please note that these are indicative and not actual market settlement prices.
Note: The timestamp shown indicates the end of the trading period that this data relates to.
- $58.19
- $57.52
- $57.69
- $54.98
- $55.22
- $54.33
- $55.28
- $53.58
- $56.67
- $57.22
- $53.51
- $51.93
- $49.79
What is Demand?
This graph shows the demand in each Region for the Upper North Island, Lower North Island, Upper South Island and Lower South Island. Demand generally peaks in the morning and again in the evening based on normal consumer load patterns.
Note: The timestamp shown indicates the end of the trading period that this data relates to.

This information can be viewed online at www.em6live.co.nz